With that, I'll start with my first few pages of my journal.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Ah, retirement…
Doesn't get much better than an autumn dawn paddle on a misty pond!
Then I watched the muskrat make his busy trips from one side to the
other. The phoebes were making their chirping call so loudly that Blake
started growling!
There was a redtail having an altercation with some crows - looked
like she was chasing them, though.
THEN, I watched two otters play for about 10 minutes. They'd
surface nose to nose, then dive again. Then come up and wrestle.
Then off to chase under water. A third otter came and just checked
in a couple times, but didn't play (mom?).
One of them spied my boat and their heads and half of the body came
up out of the water staring at me. They moved closer and closer.
Curious. Finally they were about 10 feet from the bow of my boat,
coming up and staring. Blake was not happy about this, but he kept quiet
for me. Finally they left, and after visiting the wood ducks, I came in
so the critters could have their pond.
September 21, 2012
Carol joined
me this morning. I managed to see the
brown furry thing that goes back and forth across the pond just after dawn well
enough today to decide that it was a muskrat.
The head/body was smaller than the otter, but today I saw the tail. We saw one of the cormorants and some wood
ducks, a couple of phoebes, but they seem to be leaving – cool and not many
bugs left. No otters.
September 22, 2012
Linda & I (and Blake) went out today, and while trying to get a
better view of the osprey, we saw 4 or 5 otters!!. I spotted a
disturbance in the water among the water chestnuts and I watched, then saw
another black back and another. AH! An otter! Hmph.
Gone. But there is motion in the tree that has fallen down in the
water. Sure enough, among the leaves I found this large, wet furry thing!
Mama otter. Pretty soon a little head showed up and swam up to
mama. Then another and one more! Three younguns. They nuzzled
in. Awww...
Before long mama
dove and disappeared, but the young ones started playing in the weeds. I
had brought my little camera and got it out, but Blake spotted the critters,
too! He wanted to go play!! I did manage to get a bit of footage
(hmmm inchage? It is about 10 seconds), but you can hear Blake
whining and see what his wiggling was doing to my steadiness - it is hard
enough to shoot in a canoe. :-)
While I was managing the dog & camera, Linda thought she saw
FIVE of them! Mama came up and was
hissing at us - get OUT OF HERE!
September 24, 2012

We paddled toward the dam,
stopping to take a few pictures of the sunrise. We saw the east end heron and
then later, saw the west end heron. I
steered away from the heron so that we wouldn’t disrupt it in its morning
As we came back up the
south side of the pond I watched the kingfisher for a while; he certainly was
making a racket with his rattling cry! I
am still hoping to some day see one catch a fish… Speaking of racket, the redtail was calling from
one side and the crows cawing from the east end.
(More tomorrow - I've got a vid of the harvester working on the water chestnuts that I'll post tomorrow)