What have YOU seen?

Hey, all of you Stearns Mill Pond denizens and users, what have YOU seen on the pond or brook? Contribute your info - what great sightings, what birds, what animals, what sad things, what changes (good and bad), what wonderful moments have there been? Let's share what we know and love about our pond.
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Thursday, January 24, 2013


Ah, it has warmed up to 0 degrees from the -1 on the porch earlier this AM.  The birds are hungry.  I just went out to put some meal worms in the feeder (the bluebirds tend to be a little bit later than the others, so I've started putting the meal worms out later rather than early to be snarfed up by the other birds) and the flocks were chirping in the trees all around me - the nuthatches were most obvious to my ears.  "Hurry up!  Hurry up!"

After I finished putting out the mealworms and some stale cashew butter, I stood back near the corner of the house, but only about 20 feet from the feeder, and the birds zoomed in, totally ignoring me!  The bluebirds came in right over my shoulder!  It is cold and they are hungry!

We have a whole flock of goldfinch - maybe even 50!  I can't count them because there are usually a bunch in the trees while the others are on the ground or the feeders. 19 mourning doves yesterday; they were easy to count.  Lots of juncos, but not as many as there are goldfinch!  And, I regularly see 3 male and 2 female bluebirds.  Nobody on the feeders or the ground right now!  I wonder where the hawk is...

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