What have YOU seen?

Hey, all of you Stearns Mill Pond denizens and users, what have YOU seen on the pond or brook? Contribute your info - what great sightings, what birds, what animals, what sad things, what changes (good and bad), what wonderful moments have there been? Let's share what we know and love about our pond.
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Friday, January 31, 2014


[update done on Feb 2]
Again this winter, we have a small flock of bluebirds!  They arrived yesterday (Jan 30).  We had 5 last winter, first seen January 5th.  Not sure how many in our flock this year, but I saw quite a few this morning, perhaps 5-8ish?  

Two bluebirds - females
Bluebird - Male
The first one was on the tree with the suet, unsuccessfully trying to get to it.  I still had mealworms from last year, so I took some out and put them in the feeders.  They found them!  Today, I thumbtacked small plastic dishes on top of a couple of nest boxes and put the mealworms in there.  I added worms 3 times today!  These guys were hungry!!!  Nice timing with the Feeder Watch this weekend.
Bluebird - male. Incredibly bright blues this year!

We also have a large flock of goldfinch, eating up every black-oil sunflower seed in the feeder! Some nyger, too, but they really like the sunflower.  It will be a challenge to count them all tomorrow!  And we have the usual tufted-titmouse population, cardinals, many juncos, chickadees, white-breasted nuthatch (no red-breasted so far), downy, hairy and red-bellied woodpeckers (haven't seen the pileated lately, but have seen his work on the trees!), house and purple finch, mourning doves, white-throated sparrows, tree sparrows, and I think some chipping sparrows, but I couldn't see them well enough to be sure, and the coopers hawk who also feeds at our feeders!  Oh, and did I mention squirrels?  Lots to watch!

Feb2 - Forgot to mention that the same day the bluebirds arrived, I saw a Bald Eagle on the ice on Farrah Pond (on 117, just east of the Concord Road -or is it Sudbury Road there?/117 intersection.  There was a carcass of some sort, black - couldn't tell if it had feathers or fur - and the eagle was approaching it.  Not sure if it had been feeding or was checking out the possibility.  I pulled off (was driving) and walked in to get a better look.  Clearly an adult bald eagle, but I didn't get to watch for long as my presence spooked it. Good birding day!

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