What have YOU seen?

Hey, all of you Stearns Mill Pond denizens and users, what have YOU seen on the pond or brook? Contribute your info - what great sightings, what birds, what animals, what sad things, what changes (good and bad), what wonderful moments have there been? Let's share what we know and love about our pond.
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Friday, September 20, 2013


I paddled upstream in the pond on this beautiful crisp clear morning. It's quite weedy and mucky in the center and the lower end of the pond, but it clears out as you get upstream, closer to where the brook enters the pond. The area right before the mouth of the brook is weedy again with lots of water chestnuts, especially around the edges. This is the area the harvester didn't get to before it broke down.

I saw several wood ducks this morning; They are definitely beginning to congregate before migration. There were also many mallards, of course, and the great blue heron was right at the mouth of the brook.

There was also a busy muskrat going back-and-forth, back-and-forth, across the pond. They can really move fast. I decided not to bother all the critters at the far end of the pond this morning and just watched from a distance (I remembered to bring my binoculars today!).

When I arrived back at our landing, after watching the Kingfisher for a while, there was a raccoon very busily walking along the shore, around the tree and up to the kayak. I couldn't figure out what it was doing, but it was quite intent. The coon sure wasn't very aware; I pulled up pretty close in my canoe, and he didn't even see me until I said, "Good dog" to Blake (he was being quiet). Actually I'm not sure Blake saw the coon either until we got closer. As I spoke, the coon got nervous and hid behind the tree looking like it was about to go up the tree. I scared it off so I could look at the bird's nest --wait!  What is the lump sitting in the tree? I think it's the coon. Yep. It's the coon. I'm in the house dictating this blog entry and happened to look up at the tree and saw a lump that I don't remember. Then it moved. Binoculars handy, and it is definitely the coon staring right at me.

I got a photo of the birds nest that hangs over the pond this morning from the canoe. In this photo, which is closer, you can really see how messy the nest is, and that there are strands of fibrous material tying it to the branches. 

Nest from pond side

Never a dull moment around here; there is always something new to see!

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