What have YOU seen?

Hey, all of you Stearns Mill Pond denizens and users, what have YOU seen on the pond or brook? Contribute your info - what great sightings, what birds, what animals, what sad things, what changes (good and bad), what wonderful moments have there been? Let's share what we know and love about our pond.
Live on the pond or brook?
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Click on the picture to see it in a larger format (all photos by D.Muffitt unless otherwise credited)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Am posting a link to a video about how wolves can change the physical course of rivers!  Fascinating!  Makes me wonder what kinds of things change the course of our brook.  Some are obvious, like a tree falls, things start piling up against the tree snag and it becomes easier for the brook to take a different path, but what else makes a difference??

Video URL: http://msnvideo.msn.com/?videoid=6a4694ae-d81f-40de-8a50-ba37705b077a&from=sharepermalink-email

We saw a fisher in the yard a couple days ago, just around dawn.  Took off down the hill to the pond and around the point.  Several coons in the yard on recent mornings, too, and the birds sure sound like it is spring!

Be sure to step outside and LISTEN!  :-)

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