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Hey, all of you Stearns Mill Pond denizens and users, what have YOU seen on the pond or brook? Contribute your info - what great sightings, what birds, what animals, what sad things, what changes (good and bad), what wonderful moments have there been? Let's share what we know and love about our pond.
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Saturday, April 12, 2014


Spring is clearly here.  The birds are going crazy in the morning and nesting is happening everywhere!  I gave Blake a haircut the other day so that I could put out some nice soft dog hair for nests and it is flying off of the tree branches and the suet cage where I put it. I watch it disappear by the beakfuls!  

I had been wanting to take our Christmas wreath and put it someplace less busy, but still in the protected area of the carport so that the Carolina Wrens could have it as a nesting place if so desired.  I figured I'd put some plastic behind it to protect the wall, but I couldn't quite decide where to put it, so I hadn't yet moved it.  I went out a couple days ago and the little wren almost hit me as it came bombing out of the wreath.  Too late; it will stay where it is!  

Isn't it just beautiful??  The Carolinas tend to make a side entrance nest.  The male will also often build several nests and then the female decides which one to use.  I don't think this one is the chosen nest.

This morning it was 42º which is definitely warm enough for us to go back to our early morning sit-on-the-porch time.  We were a bit late this AM, slept in until 5, so we didn't catch first bird, but we sure got the full chorus!  I felt bad for Carol & Joe as the Pileated Woodpecker was drumming on a big, dead, hollow branch, right outside their bedroom window!  Linda quipped, "There should be an ordinance against construction companies working this early in the morning!"  It was REALLY loud! 

We heard our Carolina, of course - hard to miss his ""Tea kettle, Tea kettle, Tea"!  There were robins "Cheerily, chirup!" and the "Peter Peter" of the tufted titmouse and we have seven local Blue Jays - they were in full voice.  Very quietly, underneath all of this cacophony, was the call of the White-throated sparrow, "Oh, sweet Canada, Canada, Canada".  One pair of the blue-birds are still around, which surprises me (OH!  Outside my window there is a blue jay pair on the dead crabapple tree and he is feeding her!  Sweet).

And on the pond, Wood Ducks.  This one was sitting on the tree near the duck box.

So much activity!  And it is especially wonderful in the morning!!  Bundle up and sit outside with your coffee or tea right around dawn.  You'll be glad you did. 

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